Networks Centre Training - A Thank You!
31 October 2016
Training Success, a thank you!
For those of you that haven’t already heard of or spoken to me, I’d like to say hello! I’m George, and recently I’ve been put in charge of the Networks Centre Training Academy.
I’ve worked for Networks Centre for over 4 years in total but with the increasing popularity and range of training we offer it was time to move the business from providing ad-hoc training to a dedicated academy. My goal is to make our training academy a centre of excellence, not only in support of our customers and distribution business, but as a stand-alone operation for the whole networks infrastructure community.
The first few months have been challenging. Customers have a lot of choice, with a proliferation of online courses but there is no substitute for learning in a classroom setting. It’s honestly with great pleasure that I write this blog today to thank everyone for making it such a success..
I’d like to thank all of the instructors for their time, delivering excellent training, getting so much out of their courses, keeping the facility tidy and being on hand for anyone who has needed their ongoing support.
I’d like to thank the attendees for their time too; it’s not always easy to get away from the work place, especially for training; for giving 110% and showing such professionalism whilst learning; for sharing their experiences and helping us achieve such an impressive pass mark across all of our courses!
Let’s have a look at some facts for October.
- We had 21 working days. We had 19 days of training! That’s over 90%
- 7 attendees for the RCDD course, each is now well on the way to becoming a full RCDD.
- We had students travel from Malta for our Data Centre Design and Ops Management course, That’s nearly 6000 km round trip!
- We had 100% pass rate on all of our in house City & Guilds courses. First time too!
- We have consumed over 500 cups of coffee…and nearly 200 cookies!
- We have totalled over 900 hours of learning.
With all of this in mind, I say thank you again and really look forward to welcoming new and return customers to the Networks Centre Training Academy. Check out our training hub for more information.