Are you aware of the advantages our MicroScanner POE?
13 November 2019
Fluke Networks

Earlier this year Fluke Networks introduced the MicroScanner POE, capable of doing everything the original MicroScanner does but also adds POE testing up to the new 802.3bt 90W standard.

Do you know why the new MicroScanner POE will serve him you better than the old MicroScanner? Years ago, someone came up with the idea of combining power and data communications in a twisted pair cable and Power over Ethernet (PoE) was born. In the intervening years, a huge array of devices that source and consume power and data through the same cable have been launched with more coming online all the time. The first PoE standard, 802.3af, was adopted in 2003 and sourced up to 15.4 watts of power over two pairs. Adopted in 2005, 802.3at (also known as “PoE+”) supported up to 30W. Cisco developed its “Universal PoE” UPOE using all four pairs, pushing the maximum power to 60W.

In September 2018, the IEEE approved 802.3bt, pushing the sourced power to 90W. PoE provides substantial cost, efficiency and flexibility benefits, sparking an explosion of powered devices such as cameras, access points, and displays, along with switches to support them. Unfortunately, the term “PoE” is not defined by any standard and a wide variety of standardized and somewhat-standardized implementations are available. Even more confusing, multiple standards, multiple power levels, a variety of non-standardized names such as “PoE+”, “PoE++”, and other designators are used. The result is that it’s difficult even for experts to know what devices will work together. The Ethernet Alliance launched a certification program to end this confusion.

Power levels and requirements are designated by a number from zero to eight indicating the amount (or “class”) of power sourced or required. Technicians need to simply ensure that the class number of the source is equal to or greater than the class of the powered device. When connected to a PoE switch, the MicroScanner PoE will display the maximum power class indicated by the switch, making it easy for the tech to know if the switch and device are compatible. Fluke Networks’ MicroScanner PoE was designed to solve this problem and save the tech hours of frustration. Simply plug the MicroScanner PoE into the cable, and if it’s connected to a PSE, it will display the class (0-8) of power available on the link.

The tech can then compare that to the requirements of the PD and know if the power required will be available. The MicroScanner PoE also provides a complete set of tools for the technician installing PoE and non-PoE devices. Cable wiremapping, a built-in toner, and distance-to-fault indicators can track down cabling problems quickly. When connected to a live switch port, the unit displays the speed of the port up to 10 Gbps, especially useful for troubleshooting slow access points. Cable identifiers can be used to track which cable goes where.

Watch the Fluke Networks video where they explain the benefits of the MicroScanner PoE.